
:type travel tuesday: {lucia, dallas}

Dallas, Texas

We didn't eat here (apparently you need reservations at least a month in advance), but it looked good, and I loved the name, typography and signage.


the long and winding road that leads to rome

After years on a long and winding road of vigorous prayer, study, and the leading of the Holy Spirit,
Brandon and I became Catholic on February 10th.

It was a beautiful Sunday with family and friends, sunshine and 70 degrees. Some of my family was able to come down, as well as some of our great friends from childhood. The service was a moving  high Mass complete with incense and Gregorian chant.

Deo Gratias!


Afterwards, we celebrated at a local winery.

That evening our friends threw a party in our honor, cleverly called "Mardi Dahm" due to the fact that we joined the church the Sunday before Lent. They made us a king's cake, made kind toasts and made us feel so loved. We couldn't be more thankful for the Christian friends we've been blessed with.


A special thank you to Jordan Kologe for his beautiful photography!


mixing patterns

Brandon mixed these patterns on his own! I am so proud. Dare I say, "My work here is done?"


bon mardi gras

I've never really celebrated Mardi Gras until this year, and I've definitely been missing out! It was a fabulous time of feasting before the lenten fasts began today. And I think everything might be just a little bit more exciting when you dress "french" and are wearing a fancy mask. :)

Oh my were the jambalaya, creole baked artichokes and bananas foster delicious!

Bon Mardi Gras!
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