
: type travel tuesday : {L'amour}

I recently finished a project (shock!) that I've been wanting to do for some time!

Inspired by the "L'amour" typography and signage from the opera La bohème and Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge (the sign hung on the outside of Christian's apartment building), I made a L'amour sign to hang on our bedroom wall.

_MG_6287b _MG_6284b

Not having wood or a saw, I cut it out of cardboard (our TV box to be exact). It could be smoother, but I think it turned out really well! We definitely needed something on our walls, and what better than the word LOVE?

La bohème (.)

Moulin Rouge (.)

(it is really hard to find a good image of the sign from Moulin Rouge, sheesh)

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